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Commercialization of results from the point of view of experts of the Transfer Center CAS (CeTAV)

23. May 2024 13 h
Velká zasedací místnost ÚCHP

CeTAV provides consultancy services to all CAS institutes concerning the practical application of research outcomes. It helps research teams with specific cases of commercialization, analyses of potential practical applications, intellectual property protection strategies, and contracts securing collaboration with the commercial sector. Our experience in knowledge and technology transfer enables us to understand the issues at hand regardless of your team members’ research specializations.

The lecture will be given by the head of CeTAV, Martin Smekal, the presentation will include an introduction to CeTAV, the main areas of activity, some priorities, and specific activities that ICPF can use. Furthermore, methods of IP commercialization (licensing of know-how/patent, spin-off company with and without the participation of the institute, involvement of originators in the structure and operation of the company, etc.). It is also expected to include an interactive part, where participants should join the discussion and discuss their specific needs in this matter.

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