On Wednesday, 21st June 2023, ScienceFest took place in Prague-Dejvice on the grassy area close to Vítězné square. It is actually a large open-air laboratory where the general public can try out various experiments and get in touch with science.
Our institute could not miss and presented several scientific topics we are working on at our stand. For instance, algae were shown along with the bioreactors in which they grow. You could also try out experiments that you can do at home in your kitchen. For example, you could see what happens when you leave a chicken bone in vinegar for a few weeks or make a simple lava lamp. Finally, there was a patience test in the form of layering differently dense (and differently coloured) sucrose solutions and chromatographic separation of food dyes. Czech Television Déčko visited our stand to film a report for their News for children (Zprávičky).