Characterization of gas dispersion in bubble columns, towards industrial operating conditions
Duration:1/2023 - 12/2024
Provider:Czech Academy of Sciences
Programme:Mobility Plus Projects (MPP) - France – CNRS 2023–2024
Registration number:CNRS-23-09
Principal Investigator:
Project is an international cooperation between the Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS and Grenoble Alpes University in France. This project proposes an experimental study on the gas dispersion in bubble column reactors. The design and operation of these facilities, widely used in chemical engineering, is severely limited by our lack of understanding of their hydrodynamics scale-up rules from laboratory to industrial conditions. Using the complementarity between both groups, our study will achieve unprecedented realistic conditions. Furthermore, the set of bubble columns that will be tested will widen the range of column’s dimensions available for creating a database of experimental data for validation of theoretical and numerical modelling of bubble column hydrodynamics under steady state and dynamic conditions.