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Vojtěch Hamala received Martina Roeselová Memorial Fellowship

Combining parenthood with an active scientific career is not always easy. To help young workers (i.e. postgraduate students or early carrier researchers in the field of natural sciences) to successfully manage these two demanding missions, a scientific scholarship called Martina Roeselová Memorial Fellowship is here to help. This memorial grant was established at the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the CAS and its name refers to the scientist and popular mentor Martina Roeselová (1965-2015). In addition to a successful scientific career, she raised three children with the support of her husband and tried to create at the academy such conditions that made it possible to successfully combine family life with scientific carrier.
Vojtěch Hamala at the award ceremony. Photo: NF IOCB Tech / Jakub Stadler.

This year, ten researchers were supported with a total amount of CZK 1.5 million, with CZK 150,000 per grant. Vojtěch Hamala from our institute is one of the awardees for 2023. The award ceremony took place on Friday, 16th December 2022.

Source: NF IOCB Tech.

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